i'm sorry i bailed on my beloved bloggy at the tail-end of 2008, especially since quite a bit happened that i would've liked to commemorate. here's a quick run through of some highlights:
above// shooting
eat pray whatever in my bedroom. i was sooo tickled that we got to use a print i brought back from
hammerpress in kansas city.

brenda's introduced a new breakfast item!

xmas in santa cruz.

my growing pyrex collection, thanks to carol sue!

a stroll down memory lane thanks to my oma. yeah, that's my dad. there were many drum casualties when i was growing up.

the view from our suite at the fairmont hotel on new years eve.

it was looking down at the financial district (one of my least favorite parts of the city) that i was unexpectedly overwhelmed w/ nostalgia and decided to spend my birthday at the punchline which is right next to the pyramid.

drunk people on nye, always funny.

i turned 29 on january 14th.

ted gave me a great present for my birthday: a framed picture of hisself from when he was little.