as soon as i knew we were coming back to the midwest this 4th, i started to dream about visiting hammerpress in kansas city. design*sponge published photos of their studio just a few days before we left san francisco, so i was very grateful that brady had any time at all for us what with all the attention he got to bask in post-blog. brady vest is the hammerking: he lead us on a tour of the shop and let me take all the photos i wanted.
i dearly miss my college days spent in funky old print shops, so believe me, standing in the middle of a room chock full of random bits of vintage print ephemera, i was in Heaven.

for all my printmaking experience, i've actually never worked with a letterpress, hammerpress's method of choice. ironically, letterpress is my favorite of all printmaking methods even though it is the one i know the least about, besides litho. i think it is so very beautiful.

nathan and stephan were all about this vintage plate of andre the giant.

everything in the shop is old old old. i love it.

i'm pretty familiar with hammerpress cards and the like, but not so much with their concert posters. we had a good time perusing their collection and picked out a whole bunch to take home. close relations take note: there will be a hammerpress item in our gift exchange this xmas!

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