nathan and i made our long awaited visit to san bruno to see my lovely oma this weekend. here she is, successfully masking her disdain for being photographed. she has the sweetest little bee broach peeking out there by her collar bone.
i get my quirky sense of humor from her, which is a viennese trait apparently, or so she insists. this was the first time i was able to see her on my own without my parents in almost 20 years, and it was nice having her almost completely to myself. she is a marvelous women and a wonderful storyteller. we got to hear a few about my dad when he first moved out of the house and another one about my grandfather's narcolepsy.

viennese pride!!

i make it a point not to weigh down my blog with apologies for sparse entries or blurry photographs. oma's flowery wallpapered bathroom with matching scale is too amazing not to document. i refuse to use flash. sue me.
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