not in town an hour and we had to get some crawfish after we heard about a great place just blocks from where we are staying in the garden district. big fisherman seafood serves up all the classic components to a crawfish boil separately so you can pick and choose exactly how many soft, slippery heads of garlic or half cobs of corn you want. nathan was apprehensive about eating garlic gloves whole, but he changed his mind real quick. he even seemed to favor them over the boiled potatoes he usually likes.
one of my favorite parts about eating crawfish is how informal it can be. you don't need plates and you don't need utensils. you're pretty much eating out of a plastic bag or off a length of newspaper. paper towels are helpful, but there isn't much point in using them until you're done eating.
we just got up (about noon in new orleans, 10am in san francisco) and nathan is tying his shoes to hoof it back to big fisherman for some more sausage and garlic for breakfast!
our little apartment has a private porch that opens on to a patio. these boids were having at their early supper the same time we were settin' to have some crawdads.
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